Saturday, June 09, 2012

The Cursed Princess - Free on amazon this Weekend

My new Italian island contemp (with a hint of the mystical) series is free on all amazon outlets for this weekend only ((9th and 10th June). If you like billionaires, romance, beautiful scenery and matchmaking cats (who's really a cursed princesses) then grab yourself a copy. If anyone has time to leave a review telling others what they thought of the story, that would be great.


Billionaire Dario Denaro hasn't come to the Island of Sorellina to fall in love again. He's here to oversee the renovation of Villa Cristina, the most exclusive of the Denaro residences. And Elena Marcante, who's on the island to visit her ailing grandmother, certainly doesn't expect to run into the man who left her twenty years ago without a word of goodbye. But Cristina the cat has other ideas. Once the most noble Princess Cristina Denaro, she was cursed by her jealous lover, Bernardo Marcante, to live as a humble cat until a Denaro and a Marcante declare undying love. But after five hundred years and with the family feud still running deep, Cristina is desperate, while Bernardo's spirit lurks in the ruins of the old temple wracked with remorse for what he did to her.
Dario and Elena are no longer a pair of love-struck teens, but will they remember that magical summer they spent together? With hope of ever breaking the curse fading and with a few family secrets revealed along the way, Cristina is determined the medieval cathedral bells will finally ring out for the union of a Denaro and a Marcante.

Rating - mildly sensual

Find it at

Tuesday, June 05, 2012

A Passion For Gemstones - Worldbuilding My new Island of Sorellina romance series

No secret that I'm passionate about gemstones. From their origins in the earth to their cutting and setting in beautiful jewellery it's a subject that fascinates me. So I was determined to include some aspect of them into my new Island of Sorellina romance series. Wasn't hard when the first story includes billionaire Dario Denaro. The Denaro fortune is based on gem mining and jewellery retail so I get to indulge my passion in words, which is very exciting. I'm planning a series of blog posts about the background of the stories, so I thought I'd start with the gems mentioned in The Cursed Princess.

I tried taking some pictures of my own pieces but sadly taking pictures of reflective material is difficult so I've taken examples from around the web and tried to credit where I can.

Denaro Enterprises own several small mines on Sorellina which in the past have yielded mostly gold and obsidian. The gold mine is all but played out, but they still mine obsidian which is a kind of volcanic glass-like rock that is usually black, but occasionally other colours present. Inclusions in the rock can result in colours such as red, blue, orange or yellow, but these are rarer. Most people might be familiar with snowflake obsidian which is exactly as described, dark and glassy and looking as if peppered with snowflakes. Strange uses of obsidian apart from jewellery and sculptural objects include as an object of trade in eras past and as cutting blades in surgical scalpels due to the fact that it can be honed to a sharp edge. I image Denaro Enterprises use their obsidian to carve mostly into exclusive perfume bottles and objects such as bowls and spheres. Here are a few examples.
An obsidian and glass bowl.

Obsidian sphere

Sapphire is a form of corundum and found in various colours ranging from shocking pinks to dark blues. A well known and popular gemstone from the same family as ruby. Red corundum is named ruby and any other colour becomes a sapphire. In The Cursed Princess, Dario is India on the trail of a new source of corundum with a colour said to rival Kashmire blue when his truck leaves the road. A hard and highly wearable gemstone, precious colours include Kashmir blue and Ceylon blue. There is also a colour change variety of sapphire.
A kashmire blue sapphire, image credited to http://uk.images.
Ruby is another of my favourite gemstones, the definitive colour being pigeon blood red, which if you can add Burma to the provenance will make for a valuable gemstone. As said above the red form of corundum and to me the embodiment of passion and love in a gemstone (despite what the diamond marketers would have us believe). A very rare and precious ruby necklace makes an appearance in The Cursed Princess.
My impossible to photograph Edwardian ruby ring with Chester assay hallmark. Nice bit of bling...

Dario Denaro is woken at three in the morning by his mine manager after the discovery of a new gemstone that is not only trichroic (showing three different colours depending on the viewing angle) but also has colour change properties (the colour changes depending on the type of light hitting the gemstone.) Combined with being single mine (ie, only found in one location on earth) this would be a very exciting discovery indeed. Gems mentioned in reference are Tanzanite, Zultanite and Alexandrite. I'm lucky enough to own tanzanite, sapphire, ruby and alexandrite, but haven't got my mitts on a zultanite yet. So, what's so special about these particular gemstones?

Tanzanite set the gem world astorm when it was discovered in the 1960's in the Merelani hills in Tanzania and shrewdly marketed by Tiffanys. Tanzanite starts out life as zoisite which is a dull green/brown in it's natural state (although occasionally a natural zoisite can be quite dazzling with a mixture of beautiful greens, blues and purples. I own a beautiful faceted one but couldn't photograph it to do it justice) but when heated can produce the most stunning blues and purples. Henry Platt of Tiffanys saw a few faceted examples and coined the name tanzanite which was of course more marketable than zoisite. In The Cursed Princess Dario coins the Term Elanite for his new gemstone thinking that marketing will love it. Tanzanite has a lot going for it as an exclusive gemstone. Only found in one small area on the earth, it's trichroic which means good samples show flashes of blues, violets and reds and it was originally brought to the public attention by one of the premier jewellery retail outlets, Tiffanys. Graded by an A star system, with quadruple AAAA being the most exclusive right down to ungraded. Tanzanite is a beautiful gemstone and one of my favourites. They have no idea how much is left in that small area and there is already talk of it being a one generation gemstone. For a Tanzania connection in my story I had Dario climb Mount Kilimanjaro the year he became heir to the Denaro fortune.

tanzanite ring - could find a linkback to credit but the image is used for illustration purposes only

Alexandrite was named for Tsar Alexander, reputedly being discovered on the day he came of age so the lore goes in the Ural mountains some 200 years ago. It's a type of chrysoberyl that benefits from rarity (russian alexandrite is all but mined out and commands top dollar on the market) and from being a colour change gemstone, just like the Elanite in my story. My alexandrite is probably my favourite piece in my collection and changes from ruby red in incandescent light (candllight is good for showing this) to emerald green in natural daylight. Other sources of the gem include mines in India, Africa and Brazil. I imagine Denaro's has an exclusive collection of antique and vintange Russian alexandrite for their clients.

Original image credited to

Zultanite is another colour change gemstone with the added benefit of rarity and from being mined from a single deposit in Turkey where to date the only gem quality version of this gemstone has been found. It's a form of diaspore renamed Zultanite by Zurat Akgum, another example of a gemstone being given a marketable name, like the Elanite in my story. Diaspore has been found elsewhere in the world but apparently not in gem quality, yet. Zultanite colour changes goes from champagne in natural daylight to pinkish in in candescent light.

Zultanite, example from

And of course we can't forget the ubiquitous Diamond. A form of carbon, one of the hardest gemstones on the planet, lending it to both industrial and jewellery uses, and not quite as rare as the marketing men would have us believe, flawless diamonds nevertheless command top dollar in the market. Graded on the four c's, which stand for cut, clarity, colour and carat weight. Given a lot of prestige by a marketing campaign that associated diamonds with love and courtship. Without going into politics, it's one of the most successful marketing campaigns to date with one of the most memorable slogans - a diamond is forever. I'll just add that heapings of guilt and cartels were involved in making diamonds the stone of choice for engagement rings and leave it at that. The Elizabeth Taylor diamond recently sold at Christies for nine million dollars. Of course, a spectacular diamond makes an appearance in The Cursed Princess.

The Krupp diamond renamed The Elizabeth Taylor Diamond by Christies
For more information and the source of this picture go to

I've thoroughly enjoyed writing the gemstones into the story and Elanite will be making another appearance when Stella Denaro gets her own story. She will be visiting the mine on Sorellina to find out what's scaring the miners and why they're refusing to extract any more stones till the "demon of the mine" is sent on its way. Of course, she has a history with Mauro, the mine manager who doesn't believe the legends of the guardian of the gemstone....

The Cursed Princess is available from and all other amazon outlets. When I have the official cover I'll be releasing it on other outlets like Barnes and Noble, iphone etc via smashwords. 

Wednesday, May 23, 2012

How to be an Kindle, Nook, Kindlette, Nookette, etc Millionaire

Writing a nice story these days just doesn't cut it in the world of indie freedom and universal publication. Many authors, including me, dream of that big break and the yacht, etc, but then we go back to writing our stories, well written stories, we hope, with great plots and characters, well edited, nice covers...

So why aren't we kindle millionaires?

Because these days you don't just have to write a story, you have to write THE STORY (of the moment). Or failing that, you have to be THE AUTHOR (of the moment). And being that is getting harder now the milestones are toppling. We can't be the first indie author to sell a million books on kindle, or the first indie kindle millionaire. You've got to be quick. All those milestones are falling by the day.  Soon we'll be reduced to being the first Kindle author to scale the Empire State Building dressed in a King Kong suit hugging a kindle to our chests roaring, MINE!

So, my guide to being a stand-out indie author? Get out of the middle of that B road road and jump into the gutter. Or, go the whole hog and run screaming down the middle of the freeway. And by the time you get to that someone else will have already done it, so you'll have to go naked, or dressed as some obscure Russian president.

Write a donkey menage book or something similar (because all the other plots have already been done, pretty sure they already did horses and now I come to think of it, didn't Konrath recently do donkey menage?). And even that's sounding oh so pedestrian by today's standards. That better have nuns in it or I'm not even picking it up. But you get my drift? Controversy sells, even implied controversy. Stick a teen on an island with a cougarette and people will read just because, you know, the author might go there. You will never regret including that orgy down at the OAP bingo session in K Mart, believe me.

Why even bother wasting brain cells on thinking up your own controversial subject. This is where fast writers come into their own. Simply emulate the latest block buster and practice that innocent look when people cry, rip off! Who me?

Create something entirely new. This is the hardest of them all but oh my the golden eggs this goose will lay.

Be the first author to... and yes, I am sitting here typing in my King Kong suit.

Or be the first -insert famous title, job description, sport etc - to write a novel. Politician, jockey, they've all been done. I don't know, be the first gravedigger to write a romance. Be creative. And yes, it's okay to lie through your teeth about this. Internet, who's to know?

Write a character so off the wall, so sexy, so interesting that people want to be them, bonk them, kidnap them for their own nefarious purposes, etc. In romance Jamie Fraser, Alexander Belov and Jericho Barrons (grr, woof) come to mind. To stand out, that's the bar, I'm afraid. And it's a high one.

For the really desperate there's always La La land. That wonderful place where you're already successful, the money is rolling in so fast you need asistants to catch it for you with big nets and you lie on a couch with your little dog dictating stories to a secretary.

And of course there's the trillion dollar question on every author's lips. Would you compromise all those lofty writer principles for a piece of Fifty Shades success? Puts up hand sheepishly with dear husband poking me in the back with a big stick. And if any author insists they prefer their garret to the million dollar pay off, I'm going to stick my neck out here and say they may be telling a small porkie.

Writing as C. A Nicks (I'm killing off Candy Nicks the former incarnation in the next few weeks and rebranding to C.A Nicks) and Alexandra Marell. and King Kong.

Tuesday, May 22, 2012

Stranded With A Bad Boy Romance

I've just re-released my short Alexandra Marell story, Setting Him Free . Stranded with a bad boy in desperate need of redemption - it's my favourite theme for romance, both for writing and reading. I love it when characters are holed up somewhere, in an old dark house or a rainforest jungle, or the classic desert island and have to rely on their own resources, find common ground (which in a romance is of course, wow, he's hot or she's something else!) and then fall in love. Only joking there about the physical attributes, but we can't deny that's part of it. As well as being forced to depend on each other, I think being stuck in a closed situation with someone might make you look a little more closely and see and realise things about the other that maybe you'd miss out in the wide world. And of course, it's a romance so the two people stuck together are exactly what the other needs. This kind of story allows an author to concentrate right down on the emotions and feelings without the distraction of secondary characters. A great variation on the romance genre.

Setting Him Free

As Quality Control Manager for Exotic Resorts Inc., Danielle Radley’s life is one long round of sun, sea and sand. Unfortunately, it also involves airplanes – and Danielle hates flying with a passion. Flying home from a tropical resort, she finds herself sitting across the aisle from an enigmatic man handcuffed to the seat. A man who fascinates her more than he should.

Taylor Bradford is a broken man. Tired of running, he just wants it over. That is until he catches Danielle’s eye on the plane. A moment of instant connection awakens feelings he thought long dead. When the plane gets into difficulty and starts going down into the tropical rainforest below, he reaches for her hand…
Available at and all other amazon outlets

Wednesday, May 09, 2012

Lord of the Dark Fall Fabian's cover

Just got the cover mocks from Pamela Sinclaire, cover artist, for the first of my new fantasy romance series, Lord of the Dark Fall - Fabian's story. Aren't they gorgeous? Thinking I like the close up best. Can't wait to see Marcellus' cover.

Fabian's story is with my editor, now and will be published in June


Sunday, April 22, 2012

Limited time offer, The Moon Child's Wish now 99c!

The Moon Child's Wish, book one in the Moon Child series, (fantasy romance) is on special promo for a short while. If you like strong heroines who aren't afraid to go get their man and hunky heros who'd die for their lady, then now's your chance to give it a try at a bargain price.

This book is one of the first original stories I started and, because I went into publishing and that left me no time to write, it sat on my hard drive until a couple of years ago when I pulled it out and finished it. I've always been fascinated by strong women who aren't afraid to stand up to, or fight for their men. And for warrior types who for all their strengths, need that woman to complement them. Of course, they don't know that until she knocks some sense into him. And she, in turn, isn't afraid to let him save her once in a while. Add in the locked together in a close situation trope and The Moon Child's Wish was well and truly on its way.

On a far distant world, Ancel, Eagle warrior is waylaid on his way back to his settlement and, despite a desperate battle, is taken by slavers and thrown near death into a slave cage. His fellow townsmen turn away from the sight, unable to offer help because to do so would shame an Eagle warrior beyond bearing. An Eagle warrior fights alone. That's what way it's always been done. Until he meets Carine, that is. Carine is a Moon Child whose land borders that of the Eagle tribe, a fierce enemy, but like all her people, a realist rather than a stubborn idealist. When she's thrown into the same slave cage, she knows she'll do anything required to win her freedom, even if it means bonding with her mortal enemy, an Eagle warrior. Using her single wish-in-hand, Carine Saves Ancel's life and bonds herself to him, hoping that in doing so he will take her with him when he tries to escape. He's furious when he finds out what she's done, but, unable to resist the pull of the bonding, has no choice but to throw his lot in with hers. Sold to a decadent clubhouse where they must entertain decadent clientelle on a nightly basis, and growing ever closer, they must both decide what they're prepared to give up to protect the person they love.

I thoroughly enjoyed writing Carine's determination to make Ancel see her as a woman and not as his enemy. And her willingness to make any sacrifices required of her to protect him. Ancel is big, buff and tough but oh so confused by this woman who stormed into his life and refuses to leave. He should hate her and all she stands for, but just can't bring himself to. I love writing the kind of questioning and confusion that leads to the sudden revelation that things will never be the same again. Add in a hint of shapefhifters and a goddess who likes to play with her human subjects and the Moon Child world is established .

The cover art is from the talented Dan Skinner. It came second in the Preditor's and Editor's cover poll (can't remember which year) and in the first week of release, The Moon Child's Wish went to number one on the overall bestseller chart at Fictionwise and stayed there for two weeks. It's book one in a trilogy, Book two being Lupine,which focuses on Ancel's daughter and the Lupine (a wolf/human shapeshifter) who appears injured at the gates of the new settlement. Book three, Tian's Guardian, focuses on Ancel and Carines son, Sol who is ordered by the Goddess to claim Lupine, Tian as his own in order to keep her safe. But of course, she and wolf have other ideas.

You can purchase The Moon Child's wish and smashwords both have the reduced price. It takes a while longer for the price reduction to trickle through to Smashwords distributors.  and all other amazon outlets

Barnes and Noble 
Sony ebookstore

For my Six Sentence Sunday post I've chosen an excerpt from Tian's Guardian, book three in My Moon Child Fantasy Romance series written as Candy Nicks (soon to be rebranded as C A Nicks). It's also one of the prizes in the Hunky Hero Giveaway hop.

Sol has been sent by the goddess to claim Tian, a wolf shifter, one of the last of the Lupines, as his mate. Tian and her wolf have other ideas and vow to resist what he's offering, no matter how enticing the prospect is becoming.

“Your feet are like ice,” he said and promptly engulfed one in both of his hands, kneading the flesh until the blood flowed more freely and heat spread through the numb tissue. She sat in stunned silence, biting her lip to stop herself from groaning at the pleasure of his capable fingers bringing her foot back to life.

“Found these in the forest,” he continued keeping his tone light and conversational. He slipped a fur-lined boot onto her foot and then applied himself to the other one.

“Thank you,” she said in a slightly cracked voice.

Have him now, her wolf urged.Can’t you smell how much he wants you?

Tian's Guardian is available from

Amazon, Smashwords, Barnes and Noble, Iphone store, Kobo and the Sony bookstore.

Check out the other Six Sentence Sunday participants or follow the #sixsunday hashtag on Twitter.

Monday, April 16, 2012

Hunky Hero Giveaway Hop

Hunky Hero Giveaway Hop

Welcome to the Hunky Hero Giveaway Hop hosted by Riverina Romantics. This hop runs from April 16th through April 22nd, so you have 1 week to visit the other amazing blogs that are participating and enter their giveaways.

One of the perks of being a romance author is having to plough through hundreds of pictures of hunky men looking for the perfect cover art. Yes, it's a hard job but someone has to do it! These guys below fit the bill perfectly for my two displaced immortal lords, now turned human, who feature in my new two-book series coming soon. Lords of the Dark Fall, book one Fabian and Lords of the Dark Fall book two, Marcellus are in edits and will be released in the next few months. I'm waiting for the finished cover art to arrive, but these are the pics I chose for Fabian and Marcellus' books.



Two complete sets of all my Candy Nicks ebooks (I write under two pen names.) One set for each of two winners. All my Candy Nicks books are adult rated and all the prizes are in ebook form.  I'm updating my websites at the moment and will be online again soon but to read the blurbs to all my Candy Nicks' the books below go to

Also take a peek at the banners top and bottom of this blog that feature five of the books on offer.

  That's a seven ebook bundle to win!
As an extra prize another (randomly chosen) lucky winner will win a two-ebook ARC of Lords of the Dark Fall, which is now in edits and will be coming soon. Here's a small teaser...

Two immortal warriors are made to take the Dark Fall, a chasm that cycles through dimensions and time. During the fall they relive their lives, confront their sins and grow a conscience. Now human, they must both learn what it is live a finite life and to love for the first time. 
Fabian, book one, follows his meeting with Tig, a poor potter and farmer trying to get by in a land ruled by warlords and marauding gangs. Her first thought is to turn him in for the reward, her second is that his family might pay a handsome reward to get him back. But as she grows closer to this confused, displaced warrior, she wonders if she can ever let him go.
Fabian wants only to go home. But his new human conscience and meeting with Tig makes him question everything he ever held dear. Can a tyrant really reform? If he found a mage strong enough to get him home, would he go, knowing he would have to leave Tig behind?
Book 2, Marcellus takes place seven hundred years later. Desperate to be reunited with his brother, Marcellus finds himself in a museum and hears a name he thought never to hear again. At the same time, Archaeologist and historian Cassandra Evans is just about to get the shock of her life....


1. Comment to this blog post.
2. Fill in the Rafflecopter form completely for your entry to count.
3. For extra entries, LIKE my Facebook page and/or my Twitter account.

Friday, April 13, 2012

Authors Unite - Kindle Book Bonanza

I'm taking part in a Kindle Book Bonanza for the second day of my To Protect A Prince giveaway. A group of authors uniting on a dedicated blog where readers can access over a hundred free books in one place and on the same day.

And today's the day, so if you're interested in free books for your kindle, hop over to peruse what's on offer. It's only for today, here's the link...

Thursday, April 12, 2012

To Protect A Prince, Space Opera Romance Free for Two days on Amazon

My space opera romance, To Protect A Prince is available free on Amazon Kindle for today and tomorrow.

When the Lady Shula and the young Prince Cristan of Aluderia need urgent transport off-planet, there’s only one man for the job. Unfortunately, Captain Daniels, ace-pilot and super-stud extraordinaire, is just about to be beaten to a pulp by a creature three times his size for not paying his brothel-bill. To his great surprise, Shula steps forward and offers the credits he needs. To his even greater surprise she announces that she’s his wife and the child she’s holding is his.

The last thing Captain Daniels needs is a woman and a baby on board. Particularly one being chased across the galaxy by the most elite bounty hunters in the business. He has enough problems trying to stay one step ahead of the gangsters out to recover the debts he owes them.

Shula will do anything to save the child and when she offers sex in return for passage she activates the Aluderian marker, a hormone that can put men in thrall. Now Shula and Captain Daniels find themselves fighting to outrun their pursuers and the effect of the marker. Dan wants her on his own terms, not because he can’t help himself.

In order for prince Cristan to grow into a warrior capable of reclaiming his throne, Dan must make a difficult decision. But, in doing so, he may just rediscover a man he thought lost and find a love he never thought would be his.

30,000 words
Rating - Adult

Wednesday, April 04, 2012


 Damn you, Peel Tower, one day I will stand on that parapet!

Fear of heights is often and wrongly called Vertigo. It's actually acrophobia and only fellow sufferers get what all the fuss is about. I just bought a theatre ticket and being last minute could only get the upper tier. Stupidly I clicked buy before taking the virtual tour and found I'll be sitting on a cliff face facing the lighting rigs, it's so high. There is no way on this earth I'll even get up those stairs, let alone get to my seat and then back out of it. Last time I braved the upper tier was at the theatre with the husband who had to lead me to my seat, my eyes firmly closed. Every time I opened them the stage swooped towards me and really didn't know which was was up. I'm absolutely fine on the ground, can even go up so far without getting that strange tingle in the legs that tells me I'm going to fall off the side of the building, when everyone else seems to be perfectly happy and stable. It's an amazing example of mind over matter. Even when faced with sheet glass, where I can't possibly fall out, the feeling is the same. I freeze and can't move because I really don't know which way I'm stepping. Funny thing is that I can't even watch other people standing at heights. When the kids were young and went up castle towers with their dad and I stood at the bottom, they'd appear on some parapet and I'd be shouting, get away from the edge like a lunatic and panicking on their behalf. If I do venture up with them, I'm in the background shouting instructions on how not to fall off. It's a very odd thing. We have a tower on the moors behind us with a staircase to the top and a wonderful look out on the parapet, but in 27 years I've never once made it to the last turn of the staircase. My rational mind knows I won't fall off, knows it's perfectly safe and others are doing it no problem, but some little devil in there just won't let me.

I just asked my son's friend who works at the Evening News Arena what it was like in the upper tier and he shrugged and said, fine. People who don't suffer from Acrophobia have no idea what it's like or the disorientation that appears out of nowhere once above a certain height. Funnily enough, I dislike flying, but it's not the height thing, because it doesn't feel like being high up, really. It's more that feeling of helplessness once up in the air...but that's another story.

Ticket was very expensive, sadly, but having read other experiences of that top tier, there is no way I'll get up there without the bottom falling out of my stomach. That, coupled with circus performers bouncing and spinning all night - what was I thinking....??

Thursday, March 29, 2012

The Difference between romance novels and real life

Real life version

A knock at door. A glance through the window. Oh, lord a big bad warrior. Throws bolt. "what do you want?"

"Directions to the nearest township and while I'm here I'm going to steal your gun and horse and have my wicked way with you."

"Oh. Well, my father and my four karate world champion brothers are in the barn so you'd better get or they'll beat the crap out of you."

"Ahh, puts a whole new spin on things. Be seeing ya!"

The End

Romance version

Knock at door. Peers through window. Oh wow, thank you god, a handsome wounded tattooed warrior type and he's helpless and knocking on my door. Falls over opening door and dragging him in.

"Can I offer you something to eat, tend your wounds, bath you, me?"

"Why, how kind." Falls in a faint at her feet.

"Oh dear, now I have to undress you myself." Don't look at his naughty bits, don't look... Oh no, I looked...heart flutters dangerously.

Ten minutes later...

"We should have sex."

"Oh no sir, I couldn't possibly."

"Why not?"

"Well...umm....oh go on then."

"Oh, by the way, will you marry me?"

"I thought you'd never ask."

The End.

The moral, if we didn't have version two, we wouldn't have romance novels. And, I might add, the world would be a poorer place.

Wednesday, March 28, 2012

Alinar Publishing

Alinar Publishing is saying goodbye come October. The site was conceived in 2006 as a self publishing co op, back when there was virtually nowhere an indie author could sell ebooks direct to the public. We intended to keep it open for a couple of years while we tried our luck winning print contracts, and then the indie revolution started up, slowly at first and then with gathering pace. We decided to stay open and keep selling our books at Fictionwise. Amazon Kindle was also building at the same time alongside other platforms like Barnes and Noble Nook and the ibook store. With them came the proprietory ebook readers and the result of that is that most readers now buy for their ereader at the relevant bookstore and we're starting to think that Alinar Publishing might have come to the end of its useful life. Coupled with readers now buying direct to their ereader, there are so many direct sales outlets for indie authors these days that there's simply no need for a personal one. It makes a lot of sense from my point of view as I have to do annual accounts and tax returns, author royalties and run business banking for Alinar. That's all time I could be spending writing. Re evaluating and moving with the times is a hugely positive thing and the remaining Alinar authors all feel they can serve their readers best by putting their efforts ino the platforms most readers buy from. Alinar Publishing did a great job for us when we needed it, but we probably won't be renewing our hosting package come October. Time to move on and get the benefit of all these great selling venues and tools avaible to us indies, now.

I'm proud to think we were pioneers of self publishing in our own little way. And I'm amazed and delighted that self publishing has opened up the way it has and given so many opportunities to so many people. A huge thank you to all our past customers, we wouldn't have kept going so long without your support. Things change, things come to an end and the new takes their place. I'm really pleased to be closing because self publishing has become so successful and accessible. Back when I wrote my first bio as an Alinar author I was talking about our concept and I said, "I think more people will be selling this way in the future. How prophetic were those words? "

Tuesday, March 27, 2012

Find Your Own Personal Author X Factor

True authorly peace of mind comes when you can be happy for a fellow successful author without wanting to be them or to have what they have. I don't subscribe to the belief that to be successful you need to mirror successful people. That just leaves you never finding out how amazing you could be in your own right. Why not be the best you possible and smile at others being the best of themselves?

I've been on so many courses and seminars that say pick a successful person, do what they do and you'll achieve the same success. That's true to the extent that successful people on the whole tend to do key/universal things that help, but more often than not in following this advice we get caught up in the personality rather than those key things we all ought to be doing. We end up wanting to be that person rather than wanting to do what they do, and they're two very different things. Seems that jealousy is wanting wholesale what the other peson has, without doing the work or putting in the hours. We sit around whinging and saying, why can't that be me, why don't I have that? As if we expect it all to simply fall into our laps just because we think we deserve it. The sad fact is that you can copy all you like and still not gain the success the other person has. Short of working hard, writing lots of good, well produced books in popular genres and letting your audience know they're there, the other bits of the equation are so individual you'll never copy them.

I bought John Locke's book on how to reach an audience of a million but was left at the end with the over riding feeling that yes, it's a system that worked well for him, but even if I wrote similar books on a similar schedule, I'm missing one essential ingredient, which is, I'm not John locke. I don't have his background, his way of thinking. These copy me and you'll get what I got how to books might as well come with a mask of the author to wear, because that's essentially what you're doing. Putting on their mask and trying to be them. The moment I read that book, which implies twitter is the god of all social media, I read of another author who hit the top and hardly tweets or blogs. Goes to show there isn't a magic wand or forumla that will work for us all. Every story is different, every author has their own X factor which is their potential for greatness.

It's up to us to look at ourselves and decide what our personal X factor is and how we can use that to sell books. And I think, instead of casting jealous eyes on others, we need to look at our own books with enough pride to propel us out into the market place with a banner that says, I wrote a great book, too, take a look. What other authors do and achieve helps only in that it might set a trend for a genre or open up a new market place, but really it has very little bearing on our own personal stories. They'll always be ours, made by us. Struck me that another author's personal story could be down to something as individual as the way they look, how they smile or talk.

We've all got our own personal X factors. Find out what that is and you'll be on your way. There's room for us all, no matter how big or small.

Friday, March 23, 2012

The Ruby the Hamster Memorial Ruby Ring

As good a reason as any to indulge my passion for antique rings. Ruby was named by my son, so called because I'd just started collecting when we got her. Thought a nice ruby ring would be the prefect memorial to her so took me off to the local antique mall and lo, there it was, the most beautiful solitaire ruby. But, at the kind of price you really need to step back from for a couple of days so I tore myself away and went into town. Dropped in on my favourite jewellery repairer and vendor of lovely second hand rings. I now embarassingly qualify as one of his special ladies who gets his special discount, I've spent so much in there. So I mentioned in passing I was looking for a nice ruby and he said, I have just the one. Rushed upstairs and came down with this pretty little edwardian ruby and emerald ring he's had for months and couldn't decide what to do with. Do you believe in fate? he says. Well, when it comes to that special ring, of course I do, LOL. He sold it me for the scrap gold value, an absolute bargain and one I couldn't resist. The other was an expensive, statement piece, this one is so hamster....small and dainty, but with presence and so pretty.

I'm having her name engraved inside it, which is a nice thing to do, I think. Hubby cracked me up when I bought it home. I think it was hysterical relief that I'd only spent £35 rather than £350. It's a memorial ring for Ruby, I says. He looks at me and says, deadpan. So, what's your next hamster going to be called...diamond and platinum? Diamond? What a great name for a hamster.... Now to rename the cats, Emerald and Tanzanite. This could be a trend.

Tuesday, March 20, 2012

Why do we write romance?

Today I found my beloved hamster Ruby dead from old age. She went peacefully in her sleep it seems, which is good, but I'll miss her, small and furry though she was. Small in stature, big on friendship, she was my writing buddy and would keep me company in the conservatory every night while I wrote and she helped by crawling over the keyboard, over me. I hope she'll be waiting at the Rainbow Bridge with all the other pets who've passed over. I'm not an overly sentimental person, but when I lose a pet I always go read the rainbow bridge story, have a good bawl and it's kind of comforting.

So, how does this get us to why we write romance? Well, for me it's the happy ever after. We may drag our characters through all kinds of trauma and angst, but one thing romance proper guarantees is the reward of a happy ending. In romance the story (usually) ends on a high or a rising note. Whatever's in the future, we stop the story at a happy point and leave the reader all fuzzy inside. The last memory of our characters is one of them together, looking to a future. Okay, in a couple of my stories that happy ever after was in the next world, but the important thing is that the characters get one. Life happens with all its ups and downs, but in our stories the characters survive the bumps, not always without cost, and get their kiss under the moon, or walk into their sunset hand in hand. As an author I used to love writing angst, but as I've got older I more and more appreciate the escapism of getting a couple through all that to a place of hope. It doesn't have to end with laughter all the time, as long as it ends with hope.

In my head, Ruby the hamster's story ends with her enjoying a happy middle age, cheek-pouches full of her favourite food, rattling at her cage bars to be let out. Sitting on my shoulder while I type away. I'm a romance author, so that's how I'll remember her. And that's why I like the story of the Rainbow Bridge. It's a story of hope.

Monday, March 19, 2012

Author Shout Out

I've worked with some awesome authors over the past six years of Alinar Publishing so thought I'd give them a shout out. Go check out their latest releases. You won't be disappointed.

Wednesday, March 14, 2012

Guest Blogger - Lily Graison

Today I welcome author Lily Graison to talk about her sexy new Willow Creek western series.

Hello! I’m thrilled to be able to stop by Candy's blog on my first ever virtual blog tour. Today,  I want to introduce you to my hero, Colton Avery, from my new novella The Outlaw, book 2 in the Willow Creek Series. I have an exclusive excerpt that lets gives you a small taste of how my bad-boy cowboy thinks.

He had to get away from her. Colt closed his eyes when she shifted again. Her breasts pressed against his back was pure torture. Her hands were like branding irons where they sat against his hips and he’d be damned if he had to endure one more minute of her breathing on the back of his neck. His cock was already so hard it hurt to breathe and having her so close was agony.

Reining the horse to a stop, he threw his leg over the animal’s head and jumped to the ground, walking away without a word. Thank God they still had the forest to escape into. He darted into the shadowed recesses and tried to will his erection away.

They’d ridden half the morning in silence. Good thing. He wasn’t sure he’d be able to carry on a decent conversation with her. Her every word was felt like a living thing against his skin. Ever since seeing her the evening before, standing in that sorry excuse for a stream with her skirt pulled up past her knees, his cock had been hard as a rock.

The sun trickling down through the those trees, bright shafts of light illuminating her and making her hair shine… she’d looked like an angel standing there under those wispy tree branches. He’d wanted to lay her flat on her back, hike those skirts up to her waist, and bury himself inside her the moment she turned to look at him.

“You should have left her behind,” he said to himself, and was immediately disgusted with the thought. Virgil would have seen her, like he had, and taken her. Then where would she be? Dead. Virgil would have used her, handed her off to the others when he’d had his fill, and they would have slit her throat when they were through. He’d heard enough of their stories in the time he’d been riding with them to know. They would have killed her and not thought twice about it.

Stopping by a tree, he leaned his shoulder against it, crossing his arms over his chest. He grimaced when his left arm gave him a twinge of pain. That damn bullet of Virgil’s would cause aggravating aches for the next month.

He should have shot the bastard the moment he had a chance. Setting that gang up hadn’t been as easy as it had been in the past. Just proved the outlaws were getting smarter. Or he was getting too old for this kind of life. One couldn’t take but so many chances before his number came up.

Being shot the year before should have been the sign he’d been looking for but what had he done? Climbed back on his horse the moment he’d healed enough to ride and went looking for the next rowdy bunch of outlaws. He should have stayed at the ranch, helped Holden run the place, found some sweet smelling woman to ease the pains of working a horse ranch all day and been done with it.

Hearing a noise behind him, he turned his head to find Sarah standing at the edge of the woods looking at him. Damn if she wasn’t the finest looking woman he’d set eyes on in ages. He’d seen his fair share of them, too. Had more than he could count in his bed a time or two but none had compared to this one.

The others had been too easy. He flashed them a smile and it took less than a minute to get them to drop their drawers. He didn’t think it would be that easy with her, though. She was different. More refined than the women he associated with. A real lady. And more spirited than any other woman he’d ever met. This one wouldn’t lay down and let a man have his way. No, she’d want things done her way and wouldn’t be afraid to tell him how to do it. He held back a smile at the thought. He’d love to find out.

He groaned inwardly. Thinking like that was what got him in his current state. He needed to get this girl out of his system and fast. Maybe he should just let her know what he wanted. For all he knew she wasn’t as chaste as he imagined her to be. She may actually be as easy as all the others were. Somehow he doubted it but one never knew until they asked, right?

* * * *

Sarah started to ask him if anything was wrong but he turned and started walking back to where she stood. His gaze roamed her body from head to toe before he stopped in front of her. The look on his face made her nervous. His expression was lustful and hungry. Her pulse leaped, butterflies danced in her stomach, and she licked her lips as her mouth became suddenly dry. He groaned when she did, mumbled a curse under his breath and reached up, cupping her face in his hands, and kissed her. Her shocked gasp offered him entrance into her mouth and he wasted no time slipping his tongue in to taste her.

She went limp at the first flick of his tongue against her own, her body swaying toward him, and Colt wrapped his arms around her, angled his head and took everything he wanted. She was slow to reciprocate but when she did, sliding her tongue against his, his hold on her tightened, his mouth harder and more urgent.

The one kiss she’d had from William had been all lips, wet and messy, and she’d prayed the entire time it lasted that it would end sooner rather than later. This kiss… she never imagined it would be like this.

Colt tasted faintly of whiskey, his scent tickled her senses and she inhaled it, memorizing it before tentatively placing her hands at his waist. His hold on her tightened, that wicked tongue teasing and dipping until tingles raced down her limbs, causing tiny zaps of pleasure that left her weak and light headed. Small sounds escaped her throat, her breaths panted out as he fisted her hair in his hand, angling her head the way he wanted. He sucked her bottom lip into his mouth, teased it with his teeth before his tongue once again invaded her mouth with rapid plunges, the whiskers from his growing beard rasping against the flesh around her mouth until her face felt lit with fire.

She wrapped her arms around his waist, leaned against him and mimicked him, kissing him with a growing hunger that left her dazed and pleasantly warm.

He let her go suddenly, holding her at arms length. They were both breathing heavily and Sarah was stunned when he turned and walked away, back to where the horse was, without saying a word. He stood there for long moments before turning his head to look over his shoulder. “Let’s go, sweetheart. We need to keep going.”

It took her longer than it should have to catch her breath, even longer to make her body react. She crossed the distance, staring at his back, and stopped when he turned to face her. The lustful look was still on his face and something she couldn’t even put a name on lurked in his eyes. It caused those butterflies to dance again. His gaze roamed her face, stopping on her kiss swollen lips before rising to her eyes. Sarah blinked at him and shook her head. “Why did you kiss me?”

He gave her a sudden, lazy smile. “So I’d stop thinking about doing it.” He reached for her, wrapping his hands around her waist and lifted her to the horse. He put her in the saddle this time and climbed in behind her. She wiggled her bottom to give him more room and gasped when his arm clamped around her waist and he pulled her back into his chest, his head lowering until his breath was warm against her ear. “And if you don’t stop wiggling that ass around on me I’m going to do everything else I can’t stop thinking about, too.”

The Outlaw by Lily Graison
Book 2 in the Willow Creek Series

Sarah Hartford always dreamed of a grand adventure. She just never expected to find it in the arms of an outlaw.

When her father’s bank is robbed, Sarah doesn't make the gunslingers’ escape easy. Putting her own safety behind those she hopes to protect backfires when she’s kidnapped by one of the escaping men. Now her only hope for survival lies with the same arrogant man who laughed at her while staring down the barrel of her gun.

Colton Avery spent months planning the perfect heist, every detail fine tuned and executed with precise timing. Nothing could go wrong. That is until he comes face to face with a determined woman holding a shotgun. She aimed at his head and never flinched when she took a shot at him. He wanted her the moment the smoke cleared and he saw her face.

Robbing the bank, and handing over the gang of notorious outlaws to US Marshals, would be routine and boring. Sarah Hartford made it anything but. Taming the woman who stole his heart the instant he saw her was a challenge he was more than willing to take on. All he has to do now is escape the gang of outlaws he just double-crossed, hideout from an Indian raiding party and elude the town marshal who just happens to be his little hellion’s new fiancé.

To read the entire first chapter and find purchase links, visit Lily's website at

You can also find her around the web at the following locations.




Thursday, March 08, 2012

Writing Bits and Bobs

I'm in that strange writing limbo you enter when you've just finished a long novel. A series in this case since the two Lords of the Dark Fall books pretty much intertwined. I've been with Fabian and Tig, Marcellus and Cassandra for nearly a year, now. Once the humungous edits are done, (220 K words as they stand, now.) I'll be moving on to writing my Alexandra Marell Italian Island mystical/contemp series and the Candy Nicks Cirque Demonica. I'm going for novellas and short novels this year to increase my back catalogue and to get regular realeases out there. I'm a slow writer and long novels like the Dark Fall novels put me out of the release loop for longer than I'd like. To give me a break from the text before editing, I'm reading through Something Worth Fighting For, which for some odd reason I never released on Amazon, Smashwords etc. and getting that into distribution. Can't decide whether to re release Setting Him Free, too. That got great reviews first time around, a rec read reviewers pick on Love Romances, which probably means it should be out there in the world rather than a free read. My Alexandra Marell catalogue is looking a bit thin right now. Will be nice to get back to writing a few more Alex style stories (different only from Candy for less graphic sex and genre, the tone is very similar).

So, on to editing. I'l be seeing double by the time I get to the end of this lot. Hope to have the Dark Fall books out very soon, now.

Wednesday, March 07, 2012

Latest Read - The Greatcoat by Helen Dunmore



In the winter of 1952, Isabel Carey moves to the East Riding of Yorkshire with her husband Philip, a GP. With Philip spending long hours on call, Isabel finds herself isolated and lonely as she strives to adjust to the realities of married life.

Woken by intense cold one night, she discovers an old RAF greatcoat hidden in the back of a cupboard. Sleeping under it for warmth, she starts to dream. And not long afterwards, while her husband is out, she is startled by a knock at her window.

Outside is a young RAF pilot, waiting to come in.

His name is Alec, and his powerful presence both disturbs and excites her. Her initial alarm soon fades, and they begin an intense affair. But nothing has prepared her for the truth about Alec's life, nor the impact it will have on hers ...


It certainly gripped me, I read it in on sitting and didn't want it to end. The ending was a little ambiguous, but Helen Dunmore is one of our finest literary authors so I went into the read expecting fine and subtle writing rather than obvious horror and gore. Didn't make the hairs on my neck prickle like Barbara Erskine can, but I loved it as much for the writing and use of words as the story. The depiction of early fifties Britain still struggling with the after effects of the war were superb as was the way the past and present meshed and intertwined through the story. Heroine was possibly a little too accepting of what was happening, but the twist at the end was good, even if it didn't resolve everything neatly. It's the kind of story that leaves the readers having to think on afterwards and I think that suits the genre. Ghost stories lose something if you're not left thinking, what happened there? Or what if....

This was a library lend and I'm buying my own copy just to study the prose. It's one of Hammer's new imprints of horror/ghost stories they're also making into films, I believe. I can imagine actually a film of this book would be a lot creepier than reading it. And yes, that is the Hammer House of Horror, of the cheesy fifties and sixties vampire horror films. Anyone remember the friday night late night horrors that used to be on? All vincent price and twins of evil who looked like swedish models?

Friday, March 02, 2012

Friday 56

About the Friday 56
  • Grab the book nearest you. Right now
  • Turn to page 56.
  • Find the fifth sentence.
  • Post that sentence (plus one or two others if you like) along with these instructions on your blog or (if you do not have your own blog) in the comments section of this blog.
  • Post a link along with your post back to this blog.
  • Don’t dig for your favorite book, the coolest, the most intellectual. Use the CLOSEST.
This is from The Shadowy Horses by Susanna Kearsley an author I highly recommend if you like stories that blend the past and present in the style of Mary Stewart and Barbara Erskine.


With its dark legends and passionate history, the windswept shores of Scotland are an archaeologist's dream. Verity Grey is thrilled by the challenge of uncovering an ancient Roman campsite in a small Scottish village. But as soon as she arrives, she can sense danger in the air.
Her eccentric boss, Peter Quinnell, has spent his whole life searching for the resting place of the lost Ninth Roman Legion and is convinced he's finally found it -- not because of any scientific evidence, but because a local boy has 'seen' a Roman soldier walking in the fields, a ghostly sentinel who guards the bodies of his long-dead comrades. Surprisingly, Verity believes in Peter, and the boy, and even in the Sentinel, who seems determined to become her own protector...but from what?

Page 56, line 5 (and a little more)

Davind Fortune chose to let the comment pass. He hiked a straight-backed chair closer to the bed, inviting me to sit down and settled himself on the edge of young Robbie's bed. I think miss Grey would like to ken what part you played in bringing Mr Quennell here to Rosehill.

Now its your turn! Grab a book and post your 56. If you don't have a blog, just post yours in the comments.

I saw the Friday 56 over at Lily Graison's blog. Be sure to visit and read her 56.)

Wednesday, February 29, 2012

Fairy Tales - There Are Worst Things Than Me in the Forest

Was looking through my story folders and found a few fairy-tales I'd started. Can't decide whether to do an anthology of them. They're fun to write, but is there an audience for romance set in the world of fairy tales?

This one is the start of a story called,

There Are Worst Things Than Me in the Forest
1550 words


Only the birds saw her sneaking out of the secret gate in the palace garden wall. Their sharp vision saw through the invisibility cloak she’d stolen, no borrowed, from the court magician. She was fully intending to hang it back on its hook in his alchemy-chamber as soon as she returned. When she’d seen it unattended, its owner nowhere in sight, she hadn’t been able to resist a rare jaunt away from the confines of the palace. 

Away from her boring duties as princess in waiting.

Making her way along the path that flanked the enchanted forest, she couldn’t help shivering. Whether with the excitement of breaking free, or because of the tales told by her old nurse of fierce wolves and bloodthirsty brigands, of evil witches and greedy dwarves, she could not tell.

“I’m telling the queen. I’m telling the queen,” the old crow croaked. Princess Lania ignored the spiteful prattletale, picked up the hem of her cloak and started to run. She had no idea how much magic was left in the cloak but was determined to achieve at least one dream this summer’s afternoon.

Passing the travellers on the road, who had no clue she was even there, let alone that they walked right by their princess, was a thrill such as she had never experienced. When she pitched a farm boy’s hat onto the road, holding it for a moment in front of his astounded eyes, she could hardly contain the laughter. The sparrows, her dearest friends, flew alongside her, along with a gaggle of chattering magpies, who would not rest until they found out where she was going.

Ahead of her, she spied the Lake of Blue Waters, glistening in the afternoon sun. She’d crossed it once, on the Golden ship, to attend the coronation of the king in The Kingdom on the Other Side, but though she had often fantasised of doing so, she had never yet experienced the pleasures of swimming in its clear waters.

Something she was putting right the moment she reached its shores.

Finding a secluded spot on a shady bank, she dropped the cloak and started on the lacings of her gown. That too fell to the ground, along with her chemise. Warm air ghosted over her bare skin and she took a moment to luxuriate in the sheer joy of freedom. As she twisted her hair into a knot, she dipped a tentative toe into the water.

Heaven. The water was silky smooth on her skin, warm and inviting. She waded in with a sigh and leaned back, closing her eyes against the blindling brightness of the sun and allowed herself to just be.

Was there anything more wonderful than this?

The loud snap of a twig brought her to her senses so sharply, she almost drowned in her efforts to get back to the shore and the safety of her cloak. Grabbing the cloak, she flung it over her shoulders, and looked around.

Nothing. Screwing up her eyes, she peered into the trees skirting the lake. This time her shivers were nothing to do with excitement and everything to do with the dark shape now emerging into the light.

A man. Tall, and in peasant’s clothing. A felt hat hanging from his back. Stout boots on his feet. He stood for a moment, hands on hips, head sweeping from side to side, missing nothing as he surveyed the scene.

Princess Lania eyed her clothes, lying discarded at her feet and carefully, she stooped to retrieve them and hide them safely under the cloak.

Unfortunately, the man saw them too and in two strides was upon them and lifting them up, a puzzled expression clouding his features. He brought the bundle to his nose and gave a deep sniff. Then he sniffed the air and a slow smile formed on his lips. Putting out a hand, he batted the air between them.

Princess Lania ducked away from the probing hand. She’d almost cried out when he’d tested the air between them and pressed her lips together to stop herself making a sound.

Don’t panic. He can’t see you. You can easily skirt him and get back to the palace unharmed. But only if you don’t panic.

She would worry about explaining the loss of her gown later. Carefully, she stepped away, too late realising she should have been watching where she stepped in her bare feet. A sharp thorn pricked her heel and she couldn’t help the gasp of pain.

The man’s head turned towards the sound. He sniffed again.

Princess Lania froze. Perhaps keeping still was the better plan. The man would grow bored, realised there was nothing here and leave.

Then she heard a low chuckle followed by a soft curse.

Looking down, she saw herself as plain as day. The cloak had indeed been low on magic charge. She was standing, naked as the day she was born out in the world without an escort and being ogled by a man with the most compelling eyes she’d ever seen.

Not good. Not good at all.

Of course, being a princess, she was well equipped to cope with such emergencies. Straightening her spine, she held out her hand.

“My clothes, if you please.”

“You want these?”

The man held up the bundle, his gaze never leaving her. How dare he ogle her so openly. She would have him thrown into the deepest dungeon for this.

Lifting her chin, she said, “Do you know who I am? Hand me my clothes this instant.”

The man shook his head. “Think I prefer you without them,” he said, opening the pack slung over one shoulder. “A woman like you shouldn’t wear clothes.”

“How dare you. You insolent…” Lunging at his pack, she attempted to wrestle her gown from his grip. He held her off easily, circling her with an arm hard as an iron band and pulled her against the wall of his chest.

“Let me go,” she demanded, in a voice more shaky than she would have liked. This close she had no doubt of his superior strength. How foolish she’d been

“My father will pay a good reward for my safe return. Take me back to the palace and I’ll see you receive riches beyond your wildest dreams.” Tilting back her head, she struggled to look up into his face.

“Now, what would I do with a reward?”

“Spend it on someone to wash your clothes, for a start,” she returned tartly. “You smell like an old fur rug.”

His rumbling laugh sent shivers racing over her skin. “Got all the reward I need right here,” he said with another laugh.

“You sir, are not a gentleman.” She couldn’t even kick him, for even if she could move, he was so hard and solid he would not feel it.

“No, mistress, I am not.”

He let her go, sliding her down his big body, but keeping fast her hand in his enormous paw.
She looked at him, then. Into eyes that were even more startling close up. They seemed to glow a deep amber, catching the sun, reflecting the light in a way she’d never before seen.

Her clothes landed at her feet.

“Dress yourself,” he ordered. “Before…just dress yourself.”

She couldn’t get into her chemise and gown fast enough. Laced the bodice with shaking fingers and slid her feet into her slippers. He bent and picked up the cloak.

For a moment she thought he meant to steal it and panic gripped her. The court magician would be madder than a scorched frog if he found his precious cloak missing.

“You’ll be in trouble if you don’t return this.”

She accepted it gratefully, feeling a little less vulnerable now she was clothed. Those eyes were still watching her, seeing right through her, but the earlier air of menace had receded.

“Do I have anything to fear from you, sir?” She might as well find out her fate now.

“You do not. But perhaps a princess should have more sense than to come out here alone. There are worst things than me in the forest.”

“Will you walk me back?” He was right. Without the cloak, she was like a sitting duck to a huntsman.

“I’ll see you safely back, don’t you worry about that.”

He touched two fingers to his forehead and then to her surprise, turned and melted back into the trees from which he’d appeared. One moment he was there, the next she was alone.

She broke into a run. Damn the man. If he wasn’t going to be a gentleman, she would just have to get back on her own. Then she would return the cloak and then she would sit in the sun until her hair dried. How she would explain wet hair to her nurse, she had no idea.

The homeward path was, thankfully, deserted. She looked over her shoulder more than once, convinced that she was being followed. But when she turned, the road behind her was empty. She quickened her pace.

When she reached the secret gate, she turned once more to make sure she was alone and then she saw it. The large white wolf standing beside the ancient oak. It nodded twice, then spun around and disappeared into the forest.

And she knew, she just knew she would be seeing it again.